want a tattoo

Do you want a tattoo?

Before proceeding to the step to have a permanent tattoo on your body, you must first make a careful thought. Consider that any tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life and it is very expensive and painful to remove. Choose the location of the tattoo on your body with great care. It may be a good idea to wear a non-permanent tattoo for a while to make sure that the tattoo that you get is exactly the right size and design you want.

Tattoos are quite difficult to obtain, but you can stop the tattoo artist at any stage of the proceedings, until you feel ready to go again. Some people feel pain more intensely than others. Most people feel inclined to get another tattoo soon - what is an indication of the ability to bear the pain. Great tattoos are made over a period of time, to give the carrier time to rest after each session. And Yes, when the tattoo artist perforates the skin, there will be a moderate bleeding. It is a good idea to be well rested before your first tattoo!

Expensive or cheap? Tattoos are expensive but good for nothing worse than a botched tattoo. My advice is to choose a professional artist in a tattoo parlor, to pay the additional amount and make sure that you get quality that will last a lifetime. Your tattoo artist should use a transfer sheet to transfer the image on your body before you start adding on the colors...

Hygiene? Going hand in hand with the choice of a tattoo professional, is to make sure that your tattoo is done with all hygienic safety precautions in place. A professional tattoo artist will show you and will explain the precautions that are taken. It is a good idea to go around in advance to be able to cut dubious tattooists. See our article on security precautions.

Maintenance maintenance should be prescribed to eliminate infection of wounds and enable a proper healing. In some countries minor tattoo is not allowed and a special permission should be granted to people mentally incapable of tattoo. It is advisable to use well-trained and professional tattoo artists and precautions should be taken by the client to make sure the tattoo is done only in the most hygienic circumstances. Responsible ultimately to the client to ensure that all safety precautions are followed. Click here for the tattoo equipment link for sale there is no absolute rules regarding the immediate assistance of a tattoo. It is advisable however, keep as sterile as possible while it cures. Tattoo ointments developed especially are recommended, but it is generally recognised that the gentlest cleaning with SOAP and water is recommended. gentle anti-bacterial ointment can be applied only if the special tattoo ointments are not available.

Care should be taken not to use too much water for rinsing, although it could also wash the tattoo inks or soften the scabs until they fall naturally. If a tattoo is infected, the chances of the image distortion is very good due to the formation of scar tissue and the loss of pigment. Two of tattoo taboos are to remove the crusts before that skin naturally loses between them and exposure to the Sun is not recommended. Tattoos frequently exposed to the Sun will also be redone or touched up earlier that non-exposed persons - so stay on the Sun - even after your tattoo has healed! Destemming crusts remove ink as well until it is set in the Sun and tends to bleach tattoo inks. A tattoo looks like at its best when the maximum ink remains embedded in the skin.

Keep a tattoo moisturized during the first two months after the first week of initial healing to keep your tattoo looking better longer tattood area tends to become very dry during this stage. Keep moisture will be aso avoid crusts and scars. Allergic reactions to tattoo inks have been reported, but this is very rare. It is recommended that a small patch of skin is subject to ink, before attempting a tattoo, especially of the face tattoos, as makeup tattoos. A program was launched in Canada to legalize the prison tattoo. The detainees are trained and equipped with the right instruments for the tattoo do properly - thus eliminating the risk of infection and spread of the disease.